I am completely behind on here, but I had a second and thought I'd at least put a bit about Jaclyn's first and most likely only visit to us up here in Boston. It's been SOO fun so far. The kids are all getting along SOO well. It's been amazing actually. Emma is 4 1/2 so she's almost right in the middle of Mia and Lennon. They've been playing this game they are calling "poisonous baby," where Lennon chases them around and they laugh and scream and hide. Another favorite has been baby birds, which is Lennon's new favorite game all the time. Each person gets their own nest (a blanket) and we sit on them and chirp and eat pretend food. Sometimes the birds get sick and need the doctor. There are always lots of shots involved in doctor visits which is particularly funny to me seeing as how Lennon and Emma are both unvaccinated. When it's timr for the birdies to go to sleep Lennon asks you to lay down and then he "tuggles" you in. He combines the words "tuck" and "snuggle." It's so stinkin' cute! Emma says "Yay!" about everything and has really warmed up to me for the first time and is being very sweet to Lennon too.
Jaclyn and Emma got in last Wednesday afternoon. Thursday we went into Boston for the tree lighting but we all forgot our cameras so we don't have any pictures of that. Friday we let Mia stay home from school and we went out to Nahant Beach. Our intention was for everyone to wear flip flops so we could stick our toes in the sand, but the kids ended up fully getting in the water. Lennon insisted on bringing his swim suit and wore that the whole time, but did not get in the water past his feet. Saturday during naptime Jaclyn and I went out to Cambridge and checked out Harvard and Harvard Square then that night all the girls went out to see Chloe in The Nutcracker. The girls had a really good time. It was Emma's first ballet and it also started snowing on our way to the theatre. Sunday morning we woke up to piles and piles of snow. My camera was lost in the snow early, so I didn't get any pics of all the sledding fun, but we all had a great time. Sunday night we had a "slumber party." We rented a live action Snow White, painted our toe nails and had Coconut and Pumpkin ice cream we had bought earlier at Jordan's after watching the water fireworks and climbing all over the bunk beds. Monday we froze to death as we did about 1/4 of the Freedom Trail in Boston. We made it to Fanueil Hall, Quincy Market, Paul Revere's House and The Old North Church before returning home for the day. We went to the Stone Zoo today while Mia was at school and the kids had a blast. A surprising number of animals were out and about on such a chilly day.

Emma and Mia excited to eat their Gingerbread cookies Gaga sent with Jaclyn. They were watching Home Alone during Lennon's nap and laughing hysterically.

Anticipating the waves crashing into the trench they dug with Jaclyn

The weather was nice for December, but the water was still ICE cold!

Crazy girls!

The Best of Friends

Lennon hamming up his smile while the kids have all their feet buried in the sand

"Where'd my feet go?"

Christmas in July? Summer in December? What's that saying?

Nice outfits

Walking past the Public Gardens in Boston

Pretending to be Mermaids

Mia is being such a good "big sister" to Emma

Exploring the woods in our back yard

Rock climbing behind the house

up in the fort after checkin' out the tree house

The weather was so nice on Thursday we all walked down to pick Mia up from school. She was not to thrilled to have to go to school yesterday or today while Emma stayed home. The kids are all going to be so sad when Emma and Jaclyn have to go home. Maybe we'll get them back up here sometime in the next couple of years.