Lennon and I did some magnetic mosaics that Granmommy got for Mia a few years ago. I can't believe he is growing into some of Mia's old stuff already.

I love this look on his face in this picture.

Lennon in his awesome Woody hat from Gaga. It totally rules.

Mia has had so many sleep overs lately. Our next door neighbor told me she was lucky and that her mom must be really cool to let her have so many. Heck yeah! :)

Us on our 8 year anniversary. Wondering when Mia will do the math?

Naomi is getting so so big. She's almost 10 and as sweet as can be.

A couple of Lennon's art projects from his class at the Y

I have so many pics of these two girls sitting at the coffee table writing or coloring, but always smiling and laughing

Sleep over with Chloe. This was Chloe's first sleep over.

Shelby and his Mommy hanging out in the back yard. Poor Granmommy was recovering from that nasty stomach bug.

Mia and our next door neighbor Bailey, who spent the night this past saturday.

Lennon using his gardening tools from the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Loot

Coloring eggs

Lennon did all his eggs with his hands, they were pretty colorful by the time he was done. Mia was so sweet and let him color one or two of her eggs cause he had finished so long before she had.

A little reading during Lennon's nap time. Mia read this whole book in a little more than 24 hours

Snuggle time during blocks

at The RainForest Cafe

Bedtime stories with Lennon

Mia desperately wanted to dress up like a rock star and sing a few songs one night a couple weeks ago. Doesn't she look awesome.