Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stupid Electronics are Ruining My Life

So, if you've noticed I've been a bit behind on my blog these days, you are not mistaken. For some reason the technology around me has decided to mutiny. Our camera, when it works, will not communicate with our computer, so I can no longer upload pictures from my camera to my computer. Hence, I have all but stopped taking pictures at all which means no pictures for the blog. And let's be honest here. No one wants to read a blog with no pictures. Also, Lennon found our old video camera and we charged it up and bought a new tape thingy for it and when it was all charged and we turned it on, it refused to believe that we had indeed placed a tape inside it. Lennon was beside himself with grief, but I think he will manage in time. Our computer is one glitch away from leaving us forever. We just dissected our old dvd/vcr combo to Lennon's satisfaction because it wasn't functioning anymore, but now the one we are using doesn't have a remote so we can't select anything other than whatever is the first choice up on the screen when you put a disk in. We also have this cool Planet Earth game that Lennon likes to play and we can't play it anymore because of the lack of remote to choose questions.

So, in case you have been wondering what we've been up to, I'll give you a brief synopsis. We haven't been up to too much really. Is that brief enough?

Here's the real deal. Mia is crazy busy. We've been doing a new curriculum called Moving Beyond the Page and it covers literature and science mostly with a bit of history here and there. That alongside the history and math we were already doing is pretty much filling up our school time during the week. She's been going once a week to a friends house for more in depth science experiments that pertain to the curriculum we are both using. This friends parents have tons of awesome equipment for the girls to use and it gives me some free time while Lennon is in school. Here's a sample of a week for Mia:

Monday: we usually take Monday's mostly off because I have my moms group at the church. Sometimes I send her in with some math to work on
Tuesday: Piano, school, lunch. Lennon goes to school at 12:30 and she has a 45 minute piano lesson.
Wednesday: Piano, school, music at the public school,lunch. Lennon goes to school at 12:30 and she goes to science at Anna's from about 12:30 until 3 just after we pick up Lennon from school.
Thursday: Piano, school, gym at the public school, lunch. Lennon goes to school at 12:30 and then I take her to her music class from 1:00 until 2:30 where she has voice lessons and works with an ensemble. The are working on a cover of The White Stripes song, Seven Nation Army and her teacher told me today he gave the instrumental solo to Mia in the middle of the song.
Friday: Piano, school, lunch. Sometimes we go on field trips on Fridays. We recently went on a great one at The American Textile History Museum. The first half they showed the kids all different kinds of traditional dress from around the world and had them locate the different countries on the map and then the kids all got a large paper doll and got to choose from several scrap bins to recreate the outfits for their dolls. If I could take pictures I would post how cool their projects turned out. Mia made a native American and Lennon made an Egyptian.

Mia is also currently in two book clubs at different libraries. She reads and draws and plays lots of music. Lennon wants to get back into gymnastics but I'm not sure how to fit it into the schedule. I am doing a bit more babysitting for my friend Sue's two boys these days which is nice financially, but hard on the schedule. We are having tons of fun and the weather has been pretty good this winter. We're all hoping for a bit more snow before all's said and done though.
It's a strange time to not have any idea what the future holds for us. I feel like packing, but don't want to be surrounded by all the boxes. I think I'm in a bit of denial. Each day that passes is a little sad as I think it will be our last "February 8" etc to be here.

My cell phone is also stupid.

As I don't have any relevant pictures to share with you, I will leave you with these four, somewhat randomly selected photos from the past. Enjoy.

Are these babies or giant rabid squirrels?

Precious little Mia in her Jackie O dress

Mia's first time fishing

Demented Batboy