Friday, January 25, 2008

The Real Scoop

So, I did some research and found out that my post earlier about Twinkle Twinkle was a little inaccurate.  It turns out that Mozart did not in fact write the melody, rather he performed a piano variation of an eighteenth century French folk song.  "Ah, Vous dirai-je Maman"  is a song about a child trying to convince their mother to give them candy.  The lyrics that we all know and love are but the first verse of a four verse song written by a woman named Jane Taylor in 1806.  The French song is really cute and I plan to learn it so I can sing it to Lennon in French as well.

Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman,
Ce qui cause mon tourment?
Papa veut que je raisonne, 
Comme un grande personne;
Moi, je dis que les bonbons
Valent mieux que la raisonne.

Ah! Let me tell you, mother,
What's the cause for my torment?
Papa wants me to reason 
like a grow up;
Me, I say that candy 
Has greater value than reason

It was 16 degrees this morning when we left the house to take Mia to school!  Lennon looks pretty cute all bundled up though, don't you think?

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