Well, Mia has had several birthday celebrations and there are still more to come. Gaga got into town on thursday night late and so Mia go to wake up with Gaga friday morning. We let her skip school on friday to hang out with Gaga and we had a little birthday party for her non school friends over here friday morning. First we went to IHOP for breakfast then Jessica, Ella, Diva, Claire, Mateus and Bianca all came and we had a blast. Mia got a light saber that would end up breaking later that day, but we got a new one that is totally cool. Ella and Diva gave her a bendable groovy girl and some coloring activites. We had the already blogged about watermelon ice cream mold and it was a big hit. The kids and adults all liked it and it ended up looking great. Friday night Shelby made us his delicious tomato basil soup with bruschetta and we all stuffed ourselves. Friday night was a busy cake making night. We had purchased this mold to make one of those barbie dress shaped cakes and realized that it was missing a very important piece just as I was about to bake the cake at like 11 o'clock at night. Shelby, being the impressive cake mold engineer that he turned out to be, figured something out so that I could use the mold, but I still had to make a midnight run to the store for something else I had forgotten. Then the cake took about 3x as long to bake because of the depth of the mold so I was up super late. Shelby had gone to bed much earlier and asked me to wake him up when the cake was cooled off so that he could decorate it. When I finally went to bed around 2 am I decided to just get him up in the morning when the kids got up around 6 and he would have plenty time to decorate it in the morning.
Mia and Gaga at IHOP friday morning
They opened presents in the front yard at her first party
Mia and Diva loved the ice cream mold
The kids all painted heart shaped boxes after ice cream
Tearful goodbye hugs from Ella and Diva
The much talked about Watermelon
Back view of the Giselle Cake, Gaga did the bow
Naomi, Mia and Bella on the way to Libby Lu
Even all dolled up these girls aren't afraid to be silly!
Lennon was baffled by all the extreme girlieness
Mia and Bella posing during the runway fashion show
These two look like real pros!
Let's party!
More presents at her second party
The girls coloring their Enchated coloring books
Eating cake and ice cream after pizza
Sunday. Because Mia was having a sleepover she and Naomi slept in her room, Gaga slept in with me and Shelby slept in the room with Lennon. Shelby got up in the morning with the kids and let me and Gaga sleep in. When I finally woke up around 8 I realized it was father's day and couldn't believe he was so sweet and let me sleep in on Father's Day! I jumped up and got his gift Mia picked out. A Boston Red Sox cap and a card with an ape on it. He loves any card that has an ape on it. Once I was up, Shelby layed down to take a nap and then we all headed off to Mia's gymnastics show. She did an awesome job and was very proud of her trophy. After a long afternoon nap by Lennon we went out to Toys R Us to try to find something cool for the backyard. We didn't really find anything we wanted, but Gaga did get a slip n slide for Mia and then we went over to Cheesecake Factory for a nice Father's Day dinner. Lennon was the most miserable he has ever been at a restaurant. I finally went out and drove him around and brought him back in asleep in his car seat. He slept through my meal, but then woke up just in time to order dessert. We decided to get it to go and came home and put Lennon to bed. Shelby and Mia split a chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake and then Mia went to bed. Shelby watched golf and then basketball and I went to bed early.
Thank you Lennon for the brief nap that allowed me to eat in peace
Monday. Mia woke up and we all sang happy birthday to her again. We got her a pink jeweled guitar and she was very excited about it. Shelby is going to start giving her lessons this summer. She asked me about making that apple walnut french toast, but it was the first time she had mentioned it and you have to start it the night before, so I'll have to do it another day for her. I wish she had mentioned it before so that I could have made her day more special. Today she has her kindergarten graduation and then a party in her classroom to celebrate the end of the year. This morning she said "what a great way to celebrate my birthday! I get to be on the stage and sing and then have a party at school!" I made her some eggs and cinnamon toast and she asked for a little bit of the cake icing for one corner of her toast and I actually indulged her. My how my standards are slipping. I just love seeing her face light up. She put on her brand new polka dot dress from Granmommy and her crown from Libby Lu and went off to school. I can't wait to see her show at 1. I am picking up Shelby from the train and we are all going to watch her and then take Shelby back to work after school. I think we have sufficiently celebrated her 6th birthday. I can't believe it has been 6 years since she came into our lives. I could not be more in love with that sweet little princess. She is the best kid I could ever imagine having! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA!!
Mia with her teachers assistant Mrs. Ruane
The sign on stage at Mia's end of year performance
Mia snuggling with Daddy and her new guitar this morning.
Post Script: Now I have spent all day trying to post this. Mia's show and party were great and she had a good time singing on the stage in the front row. I've just been sitting here realizing that I have made some type of dessert almost every night now for five nights in a row. I am so desserted out! Let me just give you a brief little rundown of the stuff I have made.
Thursday night, I don't think we need to rerun that fiasco. The watermelon mold
Friday night, I baked the cake for Mia's Enchanted party
Saturday night, I think I had the night off
Sunday night, I baked cookies for Mia's end of school party that was today
Monday night, I just finished baking and decorating cupcakes for Mia's class celebration of her birthday which will be tomorrow since today they were celebrating the end of the year we decided to celebrate her birthday tuesday so that it wasn't lost in the shuffle. I baked lots of regular cupcakes and two pans of heart shaped cupcakes using the muffin thing Granmommy gave us a couple valentines days ago. Mia specially requested heart shaped cupcakes.
I hope I don't have to make another dessert for a long time. I'm sure after her birthday celebration tomorrow I will have even more to report. Until then...Good night and good luck!
1 comment:
What wonderful celebrations! You guys have the sweetest and most beautiful little peanut in the world. I can't believe it's been 6 years since she brightened our family! Love you and can't wait to see you in the Cape!!!!
Aunt Hill
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