Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Day Has Come

Well, I knew this day would come.  What day?  The day when Mia realized that we did not have as much money as one of her friends.  I know it's not a big deal really, but it just makes me sad.  She pointed out yesterday that Chloe was "luckier than us because she has a three story house and a fire place."  She got hysterical crying thinking about how much better her Christmas would be if we could sit around the fireplace drinking hot cocoa in our two or three story house.  She had just spent several hours with Chloe and they had hot cocoa.  I asked her if they drank it in front of the fire and discovered that Chloe isn't allowed to take food or drink into the room with the fire.  So really, all this envy was for naught.  Nevertheless, I could not convince her that although having a fire place and a larger house would be cool, they would not add happiness to her life or value to her Christmas experience.  She spent most of our half hour ride home from Chloe's house with her hat pulled down over her eyes and her hands over her ears so that she wouldn't have to hear the offensive Christmas music that would surely only remind her of how disappointing her Christmas would be without a two or three story house with a fireplace and hot cocoa to drink in front of it.  At home Shelby tried to talk some sense into her and all she kept saying was that she was so much happier last Christmas and it was because she wasn't so sad.  That was it.  She had no further explanation.  It was an endless loop. "well why was last year so much better?"
"because I wasn't so sad."
"well, why are you so sad?"
"because last Christmas was so much better because I wasn't so sad."
Right.  Huh?
Anyway,  we finally calmed her down and the only thing we could come up with was that her friends at school make her feel bad a lot.  That was about her only complaint.  Aside from saying she was "dumb and rude all the time"  which obviously she is not, but maybe these stupid kids at her school at making her think that.  I don't know.  I don't know if the issue was really that Chloe had more stuff than her - including a really cute dress that when we looked it up online was $58 with a $65 jacket - or if it was all the sugar she had with Chloe that had her head spinning, or if it is this school she is in making her think she is less amazing than we all know her to actually be or what.  She was fine today and hopefully will have a blessed and amazing Christmas spent with loving family and friends who can help her remember the meaning of Christmas and not all the stuff that comes along with it.   


Hillary Adams said...

Wow, that is not the Mia we know and love. . .those school kids are NO good for her. Love you guys and can't wait to see our little Mia and Lentron in Dallas soon!

Hillary Adams said...

ps-don't you guys have a two story? Doesn't Shelby's computer area downstairs count?