Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Okay, I know Shelby and I are each strange in our own ways, but sometimes I just wonder - where did this little boy come from? And how did these bizarre thoughts get into his head? And really, he's going to not only think that, but say it out loud for the rest of the world to hear about the crazy stuff that he is thinking about in his head all day? So, here is not even probably the strangest, but at least most recent "very weird Lennon moment."

We're in the car on the way home from somewhere.

Lennon: I need to pee.
Me: Well, we're almost home so you can pee when we get upstairs.
Lennon: No! I will pee outside and then I will lick it up and it will go in my tummy so that I turn into a bad guy and then I will kill people.
Me: (thinking I know I have not let him see this kind of stuff on tv or anything) Lennon, that's gross. We do not kill people. That's sad. We're not going to talk about killing people.
Shelby: That's horrible Lennon.
Lennon:Daddy? (short dramatic pause) Did you say horrible or ADORABLE? (big grin)

Really? Really.


The O Family said...

this made me laugh ... where does he come up with this stuff???

Hillary Adams said...

OH MY GOSH, I seriously just laughed hysterically at this! He is such a character!