Once again, I am far far behind on here. I haven't yet posted about my awesome surprise party that my mom and sister and Shelby threw for me, I haven't put anything up about Christmas or January, so how I decided to start with Thanksgiving I don't know. But anyway, here it is. Prepare yourself because there are a lot of pictures.
Lennon and Mia setting up Lennon's "private room" within our room. Mia and Peyton ended up sleeping in the sun room part of Granmommy and Grandaddy's room and thought that was totally awesome.
At the breakfast bar in the new kitchen.
This is Lennon's airport he made out of super structs.
The AWESOME playroom above the garage. Mia spent a lot of time playing around with Shelby's old keyboard. Both kids played a lot with the kitchen and grocery store stuff.
On Saturday afternoon we went to the awesome science museum in Nashville. The kids had a blast and our membership here in Boston got all of us in for free except for Grandaddy, so it was a cheap outing too. Here, Mia is climbing down a spine ladder.
This game was so frustrating. Mia was awesome at it. The straps on their heads somehow measure how relaxed you are and by being relaxed you move a ball toward the other persons goal. I was terrible even though I felt totally relaxed. I guess I have a thing or two to learn about being relaxed.
This sign was at the top of a slide which at the bottom made a gassy pooping sound. The kids went down several times.
Afterwards we went out to eat at a famous local chicken place. The food was yummy and the kids had fun. Everyone got a free teeny tiny ice cream after the meal.
A couple people were a little sleepy after such a full day of fun.
Finally the cousins arrived! Here the kids are all enjoying a little snack out on the screened in porch.
One nice day we went out to a nearby park to let the kids run around. Mia found a ladybug.
Time to stop for a snack.
The kids had a lot of fun playing in all the beautiful fall leaves in the backyard.
Lennon felt like a big boy carrying that rake around.
Aunt Bethany making some yummy cranberry muffins.
The kids got in lots of morning time cartoon snuggles during our visit.
See. I told you the muffins were yummy.
Piano practice.
The two little ones loved playing inside Bonzai's crate. Mia would be their owner and try to find customers to buy a new pet.
We went out to Monkey Joe's one afternoon and with all the stuff they had to play on, our kids ended up spending most of their time in the "under 3" bounce area playing pirates.
Helping Aunt Bethany make chocolate peanut butter cookies
Reagan was a pro at skee ball at Chuck E Cheese. Mia actually passed up going to cook with Bethany and Granmommy. I was so sad that she is old enough to choose anything over Chuck E Cheese.
Our playdoh aquarium.
Reagan and Lennon get along really well.
The kids beautifully set table with decorations by Mia.
Lennon always wanted to sit by Peyton.
The built in fire bit is very very deep.
Inspecting the fire starting to grow.
Reagan pretending to be scared.
The two Francis hams
All the boys
Our beautiful babies
They couldn't wait for the smores
Due to the angle we had to roast our marshmellows we lost a few to the flames.
After this photo session Reagan realized her bow was gone. Grandaddy ended up getting out a huge spotlight and the search was on for about 10 minutes before someone finally found the missing brown bow. Yeah, that's right. We found a brown bow in a huge pile of brown leaves.
On one of the two porch swings
Bethany's piano lesson :)
We had so much fun being together with the whole family all week. The kids all got along beautifully and since we all took turns cooking no one had very much work to do all week. It was a very nice, relaxing week all around. The new house is beautiful and perfect and we hope we get to be there more than just once every two years. Maybe when we are back in Texas we'll be able to come more often. Mia suggested we just move in...but I think that's going a bit too far. :)
1 comment:
What a fun trip! I LOVE the house. . .can we live there with you guys:)
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