For the last few years our St. Patrick's Day festivities have been growing. The first year we just made Corned Beef and Cabbage and got an Irish folk music cd and that all went over so well that we've added some to it each year since then. This year the kids we up and decked from head to foot in green before I ever even got out of bed. I have still forgotten to ask who dressed Lennon because he still has no interest in dressing himself.
They also dressed Mia's two American Girl dolls in the most green they could get them in which consisted mostly of the Girl Scout outfit Mia has for her doll.
We then had a humongous breakfast inspired by an Irish cookbook we ran across at the library. It turned out to be a pretty handy book. I also got the soda bread recipe out of it and that turned out great. For breakfast we had eggs, toast with butter and jam, bacon, bangers and sauteed tomatoes and mushrooms. To top it off we had Irish Breakfast tea with cream. It was yummy, but sooo much food!
For lunch Mia had green mac and cheese at Claire's house while Lennon had his nap. Then for dinner we ended up having a little outdoor feast with the Lima's. Claire made Dublin Coddle and some soda bread also and I made Corned Beef and Cabbage. The kids took a bunch of decorations outside that we had used to decorate Claire's table for a mid morning green themed tea party. We found everything green we could and displayed them on the table along with zucchini muffins frosted and sprinkled with green sprinkles.
Lennon finishing up his breakfast while Mia cuts out clovers for the pin the clover on the Leprechaun game she made for the day.

Decked in green and showing off our cookbook.

snapshot of the tea party
Lennon loved his muffin but was not such a fan of the tea
Mia changed into different green clothes midway through the day. Here she is in front of the food for dinner.
I forgot to get a shot of the bread whole, but here's what it looked like half gone.
Getting into the green bath
We also got a bunch of books on Ireland and Irish folklore a couple of weeks ago. One book we got called Fair, Brown and Trembling was an Irish cinderella story. It was strange and in one picture even depicted a girl cutting off part of her foot to try to get it to fit into the glass slipper. It was a pretty fun day and the weather was so nice for an outdoor dinner. A really nice introduction to spring. Almost all the snow is finally melted and we are beginning to see little sprouts of green coming up in the backyard!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
What a fun day! Makes me wish we lived closer:( I miss you guys, and as you know from the daily fussy calls, so does Jack! Love you!!
I like your family photos. Thanks for sharing but the tub scene should really be removed. There are to many pedophiles in the world to enjoy this shot you put up. Working with Police & Sheriffs Office a lot, I see way to much happening. Keep your children safe by not postings naked pictures even if you have areas blurred out.
They are your angels.
Just a concerned parent.
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