We had Lennon's 4th birthday party today from 2-5. We only invited a few friends to keep it small for him. In the end we had 10 kids and 7 adults. Lennon had a great time. He got up this morning and helped bake the cake with Shelby and then Shelby decorated it like a pro, as usual. Mia had offered to do face painting for everyone and they all lined up early to get in on the action.
Mia at her face painting station.
Almost right off the bat, Lennon wanted to get to the presents part of the party.

We stuffed this pinata so full that literally nothing else could fit inside it. The kids each had at least two turns hitting it before it came down and the mayhem began.

The awesome R2D2 cake Shelby made in a cake pan that Granmommy had from when he was a kid. It even still had the decorations and everything.

I cannot believe this little guy is 4 years old! He's such a little ham all the time. At the ER on Thursday, the doctor asked me if he was "always this cheerful?" and I have to say that most of the time, he is. He's turned into a giggly, silly, smart little person who I have so much fun with. Happy Birthday Lennon!
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