Last spring Mia took a class through the New England Aquarium. She loved it! Unfortunately, they changed the program up this year and she's not interested anymore so we won't be going back. They went on three field trips and had three classroom days over a 12 week period. I didn't go on the first field trip, but I got some pictures from the last two. We went to a fresh water marsh and a salt water marsh and it was amazing how different the two habitats were. Lennon got to tag along too and we all had fun.
These first pictures are from a place called Belle Isle Salt Marsh. It is way out in East Boston. They told us that 20 or 30 years ago it was a run down drive in movie theatre in a bad part of town and some people got together and had it turned into a state park. It was amazing how beautiful it has become in such a relatively short time. We had a great time and Mia got completely filthy, which she loved.
Mia with a little frog she found. Her teacher was really surprised that she found him here because he said, to his knowledge, all frogs need fresh water pretty close by at all times and it was a salt marsh.

Mia showing off how muddy she got.

Mateus found this cool horse shoe crab shell

This flower is called a Beach Rose

There were a ton of different types of birds at this marsh. Right at the top of this tree was a Mocking Bird who was making all kinds of noises, including a car alarm sound from the near by city.
Lennon never wastes an opportunity to use binoculars.
Taking note of her surroundings.
The marsh is nestled, almost secretly, in the midst of a big, noise city.
These pictures are from the fresh water marsh we visited. I can't remember the name of it just now. The day was pretty cold, so I didn't get as many pictures. I don't think we were expecting it to be so cold, so we were not very well prepared.
They found a bunch of dragon fly larvae which were really cool looking. The kind of looked like tiny lobsters swimming around really fast.
Mia showing Lennon around.
Mia found the most exciting animal of the day. This huge toad. Everyone was really excited when she caught it. It turned out to be injured, we think, so we let it go pretty soon after finding it so that the many kids with curious hands wouldn't hurt it further.
A Family of Geese strolling through the park.
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