Once again, it's that time of year. Okay, I admit it. We've been listening to Christmas music since the beginning of last week. We were all expressing our thankfulness for Christmas music. And really, if you are going to spend too long celebrating something, Christmas is a pretty good one to choose. Growing up, the tradition was to cut down our tree the day after Thanksgiving. This year, Shelby had to work, so we went today instead. The weather was amazing. It was in the 60's and beautiful clear skies. I found this great little tree farm about an hour west that had everything I wanted in a tree farm.

Ahhhh...Selighbell Christmas Tree Farm. I searched online for about an hour to find you, and you did not disappoint me. Thank you!
The trees were all one price. (Less than we paid for our tree that we did not cut ourselves last year) so we had money left over to share two delicious pulled pork sandwiches a local caterer was selling. The kids here are also enjoying their free hot coco and cider.
Lennon cutting his first tree down. The last time we went he was only 2 and wasn't interested in helping. This year though, he made a few attempts at it.

The tree we ended up choosing had a birds nest in it, which many people at the farm told us meant good luck. We took the nest out before they shook the tree out and placed it back in the tree at home as an ornament. Mia was more excited about the nest, I think, than the tree itself.

Just a pretty little photo op

The hay ride was great. There was hardly anyone on it with us, it was long enough to sit back and relax a while and they were piping holiday tunes in for us through some speakers. That was one high tech hay ride!

My little tree baby.

Our gingerbread sweetheart

We went straight home and got started decorating. Shelby went to the office for a few hours while the kids and I fixed up the tree and made our traditional tree trimming dinner. Another tradition from my childhood. Only, our kids have renamed Chicken Squares, "Christmas Chicken." Because we usually only have it this once a year. Although, each year we wonder why we don't have it more often.
The kids were awesome all day. It's so fun to see them having fun together. Mia is such an awesome big sister and doesn't just humor him, she really enjoys playing with and hanging out with him lately. They did a great job of cooperating during the tree trimming. Mia had her heart set on having a color scheme for our tree this year. She fell in love with the idea at our hotel in NH because all of their trees stuck to two or three colors each. Lennon went right along with her plan (although I let him stick a few of the out of bound colored ornaments on the back of the tree.) They are pretty cool kids. I like them a lot.