This past Tuesday I got to go with Lennon's class on their walking field trip to the Fire Department that is just across from the school. It was originally just his class, but one of the 3's classes had low attendance so they ended up joining us too. It was really fun to see Lennon in "class mode." He was very attentive although a little disappointed because we had such an awesome tour of a fire station in Plano last year and this didn't quite meet his standards.
Luckily, since Shelby's office is walking distance to our house, I was able to leave Mia home for her piano lesson and then Shelby took a late lunch, picked Mia up after her piano lesson and dropped her off at choir practice. Then he brought the car back to his office where I met him when I was done with Lennon's field trip and I went off to pick Mia up from choir and then dash back to Stoneham to pick Lennon up from pre school. It was bit crazy, but it worked.

Another somewhat crazy day. It started with a friend invited us to Drumlin Farm for a little morning play date. Then Mia decided she didn't want to go. Claire was home, so I left Mia here doing her school work until Claire had to drop her off at The South School for her gym class. Claire had a swimming class to get her kids to though, so she had to drop Mia off at 10:15 when her gym class didn't start until 10:45. I cleared it with the secretary first and Mia brought a book to read. It ended up taking me an hour to get to the farm when it should have taken only about 20-30 minutes. Then, I lost track of time at the farm and didn't leave until 11:45 when I need to have Lennon to school at 12:30 and Mia was done at gym at 11:30. It ended up only taking us about 20 minutes to get back to the school though and the secretary said Mia was great and just sat reading her book. Lesson learned: Don't plan play dates for mornings when Lennon has school.

Lennon isn't quite in this one, but it's a good shot of his friend Aleric, who "prefers to be called Beaver." These two were made for each other. The little girl is in Aleric's class at The Waldorf school, Ina.
Lennon had begged for a hay ride and I thought I remembered it being $5 or something, but it was only $2, so we did it. He was thrilled.

Lennon always wants his picture taken in any of these cut outs he sees.
Lennon and Aleric, AKA Beaver saying hello to the sow. They had a scale you could step on to tell you what age pig you were. Lennon was a piglet and I...was a finishing pig - ready for market! Pretty funny. Lennon told Mia the story and then said, "so basically, she's dead meat."
After I dropped Lennon off at school and picked Mia up from school, Mia and I whizzed home for a quick lunch before hopping in the car to bring dinner to a friend 45 minutes away who just had a baby. We got there with enough time to hold the baby for 10 minutes before we had to get back in the car and drive the 45 minutes back home with 3 minutes to spare before Lennon's class let out. I figured out I spent somewhere around 3.5 hours in the car today. I am definitely coming down with something and I can't get sick because there is just too much to get done for me to slow down at this point. Gotta go to bed. Good night!
1 comment:
Awh!!! Your posts always make me want to come back and visit but we were just there right?! Dang, airline prices!! Anyway, I'm looking...just for sport:) Love you guys and miss you so much! I can't wait until we can do fun stuff together on a regular basis in Texas!
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