I just watched an episode of Parenthood where the daughter is accepted into her college of choice and I just got so sad thinking about Mia going away to college some day. I know it's still 8 years away, but we've already passed the half way point. She has less time left with us than she's been with us and that is so totally depressing. I don't know how anyone ever let's their kid walk out the door and go away to college. I'm so happy to be a home schooling mom right now and any time I think about how short and precious the time I have with my little kiddos is. There are definitely many moments (and let's be honest, days and phases) that are incredibly frustrating, but weigh that against the vast amount of joy I've been given with each of their smiles and giggles and there is just no contest. Each challenge they present me with is just a chance for me to learn and to grow. Every day brings a new opportunity for me to be my best self for them. I fail and I fail and I fail and they still love me completely and unconditionally. If ever we need an example of true love we need only to look at our children and how they love us.
It's hard to believe that in just a few months Mia is going to be ten. An entire decade of life. She is my sunshine.
Dang Parenthood always making me emotional. That show is so good.
Papa and I were just commenting this weekend that we can't believe its almost been 10 YEARS since Mia was born! Time does fly. You do such a great job Jenna - you will have many, many awesome memories when it comes time for Mia to go to college. Love you guys and can't wait for a visit soon to see you all!
I was telling Joyce, just yesterday, that the best and most precious time of my entire life was when my four children were at home. I am so fortunate that I was able to homeschool you all for as long as I did. I am so blessed to have had BJ for 12 years and my three other children for almost 34 (Hillary), 31 (Jenna), and almost 27 (Jeremy) years. And even, when your children leave physically, they are always there in your heart and your mind - that little video system inside your brain that plays the wonderful firsts with all of them -- over and over and over again. What a wonderful life I have had because God gave me four incredible children! (And now, almost 5 grandchildren!!) MOM/Gaga/Karwen
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