After settling in to Mia being away, we are actually having a really great week. Monday, we went to my moms group at church as usual in the morning. When we got home, Lennon played with Mateus and Bianca right up until bedtime out in the yard. The weather has been amazing this week and we've basically spent every minute we could outside. Well, except for Tuesday morning when I took Lennon, Mateus and Bianca to Chuck E Cheese in the morning. At school on Tuesday, Lennon was sent home with a project. He brought home Froggy, the class pet puppet. He was to take care of Froggy for the day and have his mom write down what they did together. I had promised Lennon a movie night while Mia was away, so we decided to go for it while we had Froggy to entertain. We rented Rango and Lennon got a tiny ice cream.
This morning we got up and went to the drive thru car wash which Lennon is newly obsessed with. Afterwards, we went to the zoo- with Froggy of course. Lennon wanted deviled eggs for lunch and I was hit with sudden inspiration and turned his deviled eggs into a little spring flower using celery, spinach and cucumber. He thought it was pretty cool. After I picked him up from school we went to the store to get stuff for grilling burgers in the perfect weather we're having. We got home around 4 and he didn't step foot inside the house from that point until just after 7 when he had to come in for a bath and bedtime. He and the Lima kids played with the hose and were all completely dirty and exhausted when it was time to come inside.
I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow, but so far, he's managing just fine with his sissy gone for a few days. He has been adamant from the beginning anytime we say she's going for a week, that it is, indeed not a full week. She is going from Sunday to Friday. He has also suddenly rebelled against any book that rhymes. In his words, "I don't like trick books. Books that make you think it's going to be a story, but then it's just a poem."

Lennon's Lunch
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