Sunday, September 15, 2013

June 2013

To say that this summer was a whirlwind would be a gross understatement.  I feel like the spring semester just ended and yet, we've done so much that it must have been several months more than it actually has been.  Here are a few of the highlights, starting in June.

Granmommy came for an awesome visit.  Somehow I didn't take very many pictures, but I know we had a lot of fun.  I seem to remember that the ten days she was here were possibly the busiest ten days of the summer.  Maybe that is why I found so little time to pull out my camera and snap some shots.

We were still finishing up school at the time and here, Mia and I are blowing out the raw insides of eggs to hang up as decorations.  We were studying Medieval Russia and this was an art project we did.

 I had never done such a task and was not expecting it to be quite as difficult as it turned out to be.  We had to take regular breaks and I got a little bit of a headache.  Imagine blowing up those teeny tiny balloons that almost won't allow air inside of them.  That is what it was like.

 Mia helped me out.

 Mia and Granmommy then painted the eggs and glossed them 
before we hung them up in the entry way.  

 Granmommy bought Lennon a bike as an early birthday gift.  He had never had a bike before and was very excited to find a bike that was his favorite color, orange!  After just a few trips out to ride his bike, we took the training wheels off and he rode like a champ.  He's a little shaky at first, but he can do it.

 After I took some "look over here and smile" shots, the kids asked that I take some candid photos.  So, I obliged.

 This is Lennon's not so candid, candid shot.

 Mia trying to look like she doesn't know I'm taking her picture.

The day after Granmommy left, the kids had their end of year concert at their music school, The Real School of Music.  They love it there!  Sadly, with Lennon in full day school this year, he won't be able to participate in the home school program anymore.  He's still saying he'll stay home next year, but that is  a long way off.  

 Holly came out to show her support for the kiddos!

 Mia and Bianca with her new glasses that she wore for a couple of days and then swore off forever.  

 This was Lennon on stage with the only other kid in his class in the spring semester.  He loved his teacher so much!

Later that week, Gaga and Jackson flew in just in time to see Mia perform in How I Became A Pirate.

 Mia with the cast of the show.

 Lots of friends were able to come out and see Mia on stage.

Lennon was especially thrilled to get to sit with his buddy, Anderson for the show.

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