"Mia, are you scared?"
"No." trying to lay back down and obviously not really awake even though she is no longer crying or upset.
"Mia, what's going on? Are you sad? Did you have a bad dream?"
This is pretty typical. She always says she's not scared, sad or otherwise upset and that she did not have a bad dream even though any time I've gone in it's been because she is crying, screaming or both. Tonight she said she was looking into a mirror and she saw a pit. She couldn't tell me what a pit was and when I pressed the question she woke up and didn't remember what she had been saying. I just hate this. I know kids have bad dreams, but I hate the idea of anyone making my sweet little honey sad/scared/upset ever. Especially in a dream where I can do NOTHING obviously. I know it's just a dream, but you would have to hear these screams. The last time I got her to tell me anything about one of her dreams right after I went in to her she said that some kids were not being nice to her. I don't know what to do or if there even is anything to do. I just prayed over her and laid with her until she was back to sleep. I love her so much. I can't stand for her to have bad dreams.
Can you please get the names of these so called "not nice kids". . .I swear they will not bother her again! Her aunt Hill will put the smack down!
It sounds like night terror, in which case she'll hopefully grow out of it soon.
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