Friday, November 7, 2008

Twirly Twirl Baby

Lennon has recently discovered the joy of spinning around in circles and has so much fun doing it.  He does it when he sees birds, when he hears music and when he's just feeling happy.  It's soo cute, but every time I pull out the camera he stops.  He has really been such a different baby in the last two weeks.  He seems to have found peace.  He plays happily by himself, I hold him about 50% less than I had been and he is doing great.  He loves being outside and he loves hanging out with Angel.  He is saying more and more.  When he sees Elmo he says Lennon because Biance always screams Lennon when she sees him and is usually wearing something with Elmo on it so I think he is mildly confused about who Elmo is.  He is doing much better eating too.  He pretty much eats whatever I serve him now.  He definitely has his preferences, but it's soo much easier lately.  He is doing great at the gym childcare.  The first few days he cried almost non stop and would not let Donna, the childcare lady, put him down.  Now when I come in to get him he is playing happily with a toy or another kid.  It's great timing cause I'm hoping that he is equally as confidant in Nashville with the rest of the Francis family.  He has been so much cooler about going to my friends when I need to do something or if someone just wants to hold him.  The future is looking much brighter!  I think we have a happy boy now!

1 comment:

Hillary Adams said...

How awesome, I can't wait to see him at Christmas. What a sweet, cute, precious nephew I have!!!