Lennon showing us he can sit on the stool "own" with no help, while eating a "mnana" just like "Mimi." We're not sure exactly how he thought he was being like Mia, but we rolled with it.

Our dapper dan looking cool in between bites of play doh

Just to give you an idea of Lennon's little lip booboo. It's actually much improved.
Okay, so we didn't exactly observe the no work rule, but we did go to church. Shelby and Lennon brought me breakfast in bed at 7 30 and then I proceeded to lay around the house like a lazy cat until just before it was time to head to church. After church we came home and put Lennon down for his nap. He has been taking awesome naps lately. They are usually 2 or 2 1/5 hours and there have been a few lately that have been over 3 hours. While he napped Shelby and I got some work done around the house. Lennon was in a busy mood when he got up from his nap at about 3:45. We worked on a puzzle, played with play doh (which ended abruptly and much to his dismay because he just couldn't stop putting it in his mouth and saying "ummmmm"), read some books, played guitars, went to the store, put up Lennon's curtains and finally bedtime. Lennon's newest thing is demanding "own" about everything. It's his way of saying "let me do it." Getting in the car to go to church and the store today he demanded "own" and insisted on climbing into his own carseat and "helping" me buckle him up. He is totally in love with tools right now since we've been using them so much around the new place. He especially loves the power tools and gets a big kick out of holding them and "fixing" stuff. While he was helping Shelby with his curtains he pulled the blocks that were propping the window open out and it slammed shut on his little fingers. The poor guy screamed bloody murder, but seemed much better as soon as he got a power tool back into his hands. Ever since we stopped nursing he's been going down for naps and bedtime like a charm. It's awesome. It makes evenings much nicer.
We're all missing Mia a lot. Every time Lennon gets ahold of a phone he insists, "Mimi! Home. Now." He especially misses her at night and tonight just before bed he wanted to lay in her room on her bed and cuddle with her stuffed animals and decorative pillows. It was pretty sweet. I can't wait to see her in just a few short days. Time has flown by with all the work I've been doing on the house. Her room is mostly done. Her curtains are a few inches too short for her new window, but I think a little bit of fabric will remedy that pretty quickly. It probably won't be done before she gets home, but shouldn't be a big deal. Lennon's room is far from done because we still have to get the useless radiator removed from it before we can finish putting things in there.
Be sure to check the photos to the side. So much has happened in the last few weeks and if I try to go back and talk about all of it we would all be here for way too long.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. Lennon got his second hair cut a couple days ago. I just sort of tripped the stuff that hung in front of his eyes all the time. He looks very handsome now and less like cousin It.