Shelby's masterpiece panoramic view of our living room. We still have to get stuff up on the walls, but everything else is in it's proper place.
View from front door looking to the right. We still have some work to do in there.
View from the pantry/storage closet into the kitchen. We still have to do something about the exposed dishwasher, but at least it is hooked up now and bolted to the floor so it won't fall on any small people.
I'm in love with that little hutch that my dishes are in, so I wanted to get a picture showing it.
We took pics of Mia's room, but then decided we didn't want her to see the room until she saw it in person, so you'll all have to wait I guess. Lennon's room isn't worth taking a picture of yet and neither is our room. The bathroom is nothin' special, so I won't bore you.
In case you are looking for all the pics form the last few weeks over on the side bar and feeling crazy because you can't find them. Worry not. I didn't get around to posting them tonight. That will have to be a project for another day. Good night. And Good luck.
i love the colors you picked out
It looks great sis!!! And thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy!
Thanks! I'll put more pics up as soon as stuff is presentable. I'm really happy with the colors too. The other color is really great. You'll like it too Vickie, it reminds me of chocolate milk.
The house looks beautiful and see if you can find the blue curtains so that we can get you some more - to match -- for the second kitchen window. Where did we get the cafe curtains?
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