Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pobbies and Tiddy Taats

A few more Lentronics words for your enjoyment.

Pobbies: Strawberries
Tiddy Taat: Kitty Cat
Piebey Man: Spider Man
Sea Sick: Cheese Stick
Bonka Bu: Bianca
Bonka Bu Mommy: Claire
Bonka Bu Daddy: Walderi

He also seems to think that all men ride choo choo trains all day long. If Shelby isn't at home and you ask Lennon he will tell you he is "iding choo choo." If he picks up the phone to "talk" to Grandaddy, Papa, or any other man they too are "iding choo choo." Sometimes men eat lunch while they ride trains according to him, but they are always on the train. He's a funny little dude.

1 comment:

Hillary Adams said...

I miss that little guy SO much!