The pictures are somewhat out of order, but you'll get the idea. This Easter was kind of sad for me. I think it was the first Easter that we didn't have some one in town for a visit and the lack of family really bummed me out this year. But, we got up and made the best of it. Mia said at one point that she thought it was maybe her best Easter yet, so I guess I did a pretty good job of faking my way through the day. We did have a pretty good day all things considered. The kids got up and hunted for their Easter eggs and were very pleased with what the Easter Bunny had brought them. (Thanks to some gift cards I had to Marshalls.) Then we had croissants and eggs (Grandmommy Mary Beth style) with coffee and orange juice. I made chocolate croissants for all four of us thinking it would just be a holiday treat, but Lennon threw a fit and demanded plain toast, as he is not allowed to eat chocolate and just could not bare break that rule for some reason that morning. Of course it was no sweat off my back for him to have a little less junk for the day. I was pleased as punch to serve him buttered toast with his eggs.
After breakfast we all loaded into the mini van and headed over the the fields at the high school so we could try out Lennon's action figure hang glider toy he got. It was pretty awesome until it broke on about our fifth attempt. I saved the receipt though, so I'll just have to take it back in to Marshalls some time this soon to trade it out. We all had a blast. We also go this toss and stick ball and "mitt" game for the kids and Mia really had fun playing catch with. And of course, what trip to the park would be complete for Lennon without bubbles and a snack.
About the time we got home Shelby had to do some school work so the kids and I went out for some lunch and a movie with some gift certificates I had laying around. We saw Hop and it was super cute. The kids really laughed a lot and Lennon was the best he's ever been in a theatre. I think he's finally old enough to sit through a movie quietly.

At some point in the morning Mia and Shelby did some more work on these awesome Ukranian eggs. Gaga got Mia a kit and the two of them had so much fun working on their eggs. Lennon and I stuck with the traditional - drop an egg in a cup and let it sit there for a minute deal - much more up my alley.

The set stage before I headed to bed.

Mia discovered the truth about The Bunny this year, and she wrote the sweetest note out of her new knowledge.

Just a few of Shelby and Mia's eggs

My favorite shot of these two dying eggs together.

Although this one is pretty sweet too.

Don't you just want to squeeze that guy?

Lennon spotting an egg on the staircase

Two happy kiddos about to go hunt for eggs. I love how their little faces are all puffy in the morning.