I have had just about enough of deer ticks in my lifetime. Thank you very much. Isn't it enough that my husband has diabetes due to the bite of a deer tick? Do I really need more evidence of their existence? 2 years ago when we first moved into this apartment we found a tick on Angel. A day or so later we found one implanted, yes implanted, in Shelby's abdomen. I mean, seriously? Why Shelby? He was about as scared as I have ever seen him that day too. Now, almost two years later we have had yet another nasty run in with the dreaded beasts.

The kids and I went out to a great state park this morning. We met at 10 with another home schooling family, a couple of park employees and some other random people for a couple of hours worth of hiking through the park. It was super cool to be out there with the ranger and the park interpreter because they knew so much about the area. We even got to see a little baby salamander which the kids thought was completely awesome.
Mia up on top waiting for Lennon
After the hike we had a picnic lunch with the ranger, interpreter and the other family. Now, here's where we first meet this jerk tick. I look over at Lennon while I'm eating and see what at first I think is some tiny little spider. The ranger kindly points out that it is not, in fact, a spider, but a deer tick. She calmly grabbed it off his face, squished it and handed me a tick identification card - I'll assume it's because she didn't want me to make that ignorant mistake again!
After lunch we attended a cool demonstration about the invasive Asian Longhorn Beetle which is having devastating effects on trees in Massachusetts. We learned how to identify and dispose of them and then did some crafts and activities.
The kids making Asian Longhorn Beetle headbands
Get ready - here comes more tick action. I had made a mental note to check the kids when we got home just to be cautious, for ticks, but had forgotten. I know, shocking. I forgot something? So, as the kids were getting undressed for their bath and I saw this monster on my little baby Mia's belly I was shocked and I'm not going to lie, I was a nervous wreck. I just kept thinking, "If I do this wrong, she's going to end up with Lyme disease and diabetes and it's all going to be my fault for taking her out in the stupid woods and letting her get bit by this stupid bug and then removing it the wrong stupid way!" A little dramatic maybe, but that's my style. Shelby, luckily was at school so he didn't have to partake in the hysteria. (I actually stayed very calm, but the dramatic language is so much more entertaining.) So, the first thing I did was to go over and enlist the help of Claire, basically for moral support. While I checked myself and Lennon and calmed Mia down, Claire googled the proper technique for deer tick removal.
I soaked a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and smooshed it on that sucker until it was a little whoosey. (sp?) Then I very nervously grabbed it as close to the skin as I could and pulled...I thought it would just come out, but no. Mia started crying and I was still afraid I was going to leave it's head in her. I really had to pull rather hard. I was not expecting quite the fight from that little jerk. It was the moment of truth - I was either about to extract this evil being from my precious daughter's belly or I was going to leave it's lethal head stuck deep into her skin. I'm sitting on the edge of the tub which Lennon is in and Mia is standing in front of me holding Claire's hand. Can you imagine what happened next? Lennon dumped a huge bucket of water down the back of my pants sending me shooting up from my seat. I'm going to confess that I actually kind of whacked him on the head for that one. It was just my instinct. Then, wet pants and all I finally, effectively removed the tick from Mia. Sigh.
In the end everything is fine. No Lyme disease for Mia. Lennon didn't get upset when I smacked him. And I... put on some dry pants. All in all a pretty good day, but I could have done without all the excitement.
The Demon Bug himself
I had a hard time getting a good picture of him. He's soaking in alcohol in the cap to some hair spray and my camera was just having a hard time getting a good shot.
1 comment:
You are a warrior mom!! That's an awesome and hysterical post though. Seriously made me laugh!
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