Monday, November 24, 2008

Setting Up Early

We looked at the calendar and realized that if we didn't get the Christmas decorations up before we left for Nashville for Thanksgiving that we wouldn't have another chance to do it altogether as a family until December 13.  Sad, I know.  So, we went ahead and decked out the house this past saturday.  The kids both had tons of fun.  I was in the kitchen most of the afternoon cooking lunch and dinner and getting people snacks on what seems to be a revolving basis on the weekends when everyone is home.  I have kept up a tradition of eating a dish called chicken squares the night of trimming the tree that we always did when I was growing up.  The only difference is we call it Christmas Chicken (it is a fun way to explain the 'green and red bits' in the dish aka red peppers and green onions.)  Lennon thought all the stuff that sang and danced was awesome and Mia did an excellent as usual job putting all the decorations on the tree.  Her job was made slightly more difficult because she had to make sure none of the ornaments were low enough on the tree that Lennon could reach them.  When we pulled out the tree more than half the lights were out so we had to go buy some more and they aren't the same size bulb, but oh well.  It was a really fun day and I'm so excited that Mia now has a brother to share all the special holiday traditions with.

Mia standing proudly by her work of art.  Notice there isn't anything on the lower branches.

Lennon got this chair and brought it over to the tree so that he could stand on a chair by the tree just like me and Mia

I was a little worried about all the decorations, but Lennon seems to have taken notice of them and then moved on to his regular toys.  He likes the tree, but he stopped messing with it and pretty much just wants to look at it now.  See in this picture how you can only see the lights at the top and the bottom and the middle?  There are more lights, but they are much smaller and they don't apparently show up in this picture.  

We only had one casualty and it was a glass candle holder that was on this sconce thing on the wall.  Shelby sweetly sweeped up the mess for us.

This was the big hit with Lennon.  A singing Pooh and friends on a sleigh.  He spins around in circles laughing whenever it plays.

P.S.  Lennon has started doing the cutest thing.  If you say "Lennon say 'ha ha ha'"  He will copy back "Ha ha"  He knows it's cute too cause he gets the biggest smile on his face.  He had, I think, his first official time out today and I think Mia was more upset about it than he was.  I'm not sure he really understood what was going on.  He'll get it.  (fingers crossed)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gaga and Jimmy's Visit

Last week Gaga and Jimmy came for a visit from monday through saturday morning.  It was super fun, but I have to say the best part for me was going to a hotel tuesday night, just me and Shelby and getting to lay around in bed and watch Ellen the next morning.  Plimouth Plantation was awesome though and I can't wait to go back and spend more time talking with all the knowledgeable people about life in colonial times.  Thanks so much for everything guys!  It was a great visit for all of us Francis folk!

Friday Mia took the day off of school for a "family field trip"  to Plimouth Plantation.  It was really cool and Gaga bought us a membership so now we can go back whenever we want for the whole year!  I'm sure Mia had a much more enriching experience here than she could possibly had that day at school.

Mia and Lennon sitting in an authentic Native American meeting house.

Sweet little baby boy napping in the back seat with his blankie.

Gaga and us sitting in front of Paul Revere's house.  You aren't allowed to take pictures inside.  This was the only shot I got, so it's not the greatest, but it's historical proof that we were there.  :)

Lennon checking out the lobster at Union Oyster House, the oldest continuously operated restaurant in America.

Mia was so brave and held the lobster for this picture.  Notice the menu in the lobsters claw.

Mia chowin' down on some pasta next to Jimmy who was reasonable and got seafood. 

Mia asked question for the first time as we were walking through this holocaust monument and I explained a little bit about it to her.  She's so awesome.

Gaga gave me lots of relief from pushing the stroller around town.

Mia showing off her reading skills to Gaga and Jimmy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Growing Up. Me too, hopefully.

Well, Mia now has three loose teeth, none of which will come out any time soon I imagine as she does not really like to wiggle them very much.  I understand I was much the same way.  The one on top however is super loose and probably could come out any day if she gave it proper wiggle attention.  It has been loose since right around the end of kindergarten I think which means it's been about 6 months.  She came home from school today with a necklace her friend had lent her with a dragon on it.  She said her friend was a fortune teller and that this necklace could tell you which chinese animal year you were born in.  ???  Who knows.  Anyway, that brings me to - we are more strongly than ever, considering taking her out of school and doing the home school thing.  At least until we get to Austin and can either put her in a good public school or can afford a good private school.  In either case it couldn't be much worse than her current school.  We even think the lunch lady has been rippin' kids off.  I have heard more than one story about kids getting incorrect change or no change at all when the lunch lady is "out of change."  Whatever.  We are going to start looking into different curriculum and talking with different moms I know who do home school.  My biggest concern really is that Mia would hate being away from kids all day.  I would definitely need to find several other families with kids her age range to hang with during the week.  It could be really awesome.  One thing that really spurred us on to this decision was that she recently came home from school and cried her eyes out saying that she was "the most badest behaviored kid in the whole school."  And that she "gets talked to every day."  All this because basically she can't stop talking to whoever she is sitting next to.  Her teacher has moved her about a million times to try to find people Mia won't chat with.  The problem is that Mia doesn't really discriminate when it comes to kids.  She will be friends with anyone, anywhere, anytime.  If there is a kid around, she will find it and talk to it.  Also, we have noticed since she has started to school she has been less creative when at home, doing less art work, less dress up and definitely had less self esteem.  When she brings art home it is often a copy of whoever was sitting next to her in art class.  She doesn't trust her own instincts anymore.  It may seem dramatic for first grade, but I was talking with my friend Claire today and she is usually brutally honest and she said, when I asked her, that Mia was definitely "cooler"  before she started school.  She said she had never heard Mia "sass" anyone previous to public school.  I know some of that could just be her age, but I have seen nothing but negative impacts on her behavior since she went to school.  Not that she is poorly behaved by any means, but the Mia that walked into kindergarten a year and a half ago is not the same Mia we have today.  I just don't think the school environment allows her to be her full, sweet, creative, loving, vibrant, crazy, loud, energetic self.  

Concurrently, it has been brought to my attention that my being critical of Mia has significantly affected her view of herself.  I know and admit that I am hard on her.  I know that that is perfectly normal for first children etc, etc.  I didn't realize though that my criticisms of her were making her think she wasn't good enough.  So, I asked everyone at my mom's group to pray for me, I made a personal dedication to be different with her and I put up sticky notes all over the house to remind me to be patient with her.  It's not that I scream and yell all the time, it's more a constant snipping at her about everything.  Tonight she spilled a huge cup of water all over the couch.  Although this seems like no big deal it is something that I may have gotten frustrated with her about and sort of made a big deal out of even though it is just water after all.  She had also earlier today left a cup of water on the edge of the table and Lennon picked it up and spilled it all over the kitchen floor.  In both instances I just calmly cleaned it up without really saying much at all to her.  I asked her to be more careful and when I was cleaning up the water on the couch she made some comment about how it was her fault, but I told her it was just water and not a big deal.  Even as I write this I am thinking "why would I have made this silly situations seem like big deals?"  It seems crazy.  I think that over the last year I've just had such a hard time with Lennon that there wasn't much left for anything/anyone else.  It's not an excuse for bad behavior, just what I think is the root of me being such an uptight jerk.  So, if you see me being a jerk to that sweet little girl the next time you see me let me know.  Remind me of my decision and help me get back on track.  Now it's your problem too!  Thanks for your help!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Bounce Bounce Cuddle

Lennon has started doing this really cute thing we have started calling "the bounce bounce cuddle."  He will sit in your lap, or really your stomach I guess and bounce like he's riding a horse.  He does a couple of bounces and then lays down and cuddles you for a while, sits back up and does it all over again.  It's so sweet especially because he hasn't been much of a cuddler up until now.  He will just lay there on your chest and cuddle you after bouncing maniacally on your stomach.  It's fun even right after I've eaten just because I love getting the cuddles so much.  This afternoon he was doing it on Shelby and Mia layed down next to Shelby and wanted Lennon to do the bounce bounce cuddle with her.  He sat on her and bounced and when it was time for the cuddle he leaned over onto Shelby.  He's such a cutie!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Clean Place to Poo

Why does Lennon have to always wait for a clean diaper to poop?  Why can he not just poop in the diaper he is in.  It is as if he does not want his pee and poo to co mingle.  What a strange boy.  Just had to share.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Talky McTalkerton

In the last few weeks Lennon has become a new man.  He is so much more content, he is happy to be with people other than me, and he eats most anything I offer him.  He is also saying more and more stuff.  Yesterday at Mia's karate class he pointed out to the parking lot saying "cah, cah, cah, cah"  I'm assuming that he is just talking like a baby and not like a Massachusetts person.    

He is completely infatuated with Jimmy.  He just snuggles and hugs on him like he doesn't even do with me.  He also seemed to be into Papa when he was here a couple weeks ago.  He really does seem to prefer dudes over girls, except for me of course.

He is communicating more and more and I think he is so excited to have made a small breakthrough in that area.  He does seem to finally be finding joy in life.  I know that may sound silly, but until recently I have really worried about his discontent.  I think he finally has started to relax and enjoy his simple life.  I love him so much!  

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Happened to the Core?

All that was left of an apple after Lennon was done with it.  What he did with the seeds, I guess we'll find out tomorrow when we change his diapers.  

Lennon loves "talking" on my phone.

Here I think he is saying, "I'm sorry.  I'm going to have to take this call in the other room.  It's personal."

Friday, November 7, 2008

Twirly Twirl Baby

Lennon has recently discovered the joy of spinning around in circles and has so much fun doing it.  He does it when he sees birds, when he hears music and when he's just feeling happy.  It's soo cute, but every time I pull out the camera he stops.  He has really been such a different baby in the last two weeks.  He seems to have found peace.  He plays happily by himself, I hold him about 50% less than I had been and he is doing great.  He loves being outside and he loves hanging out with Angel.  He is saying more and more.  When he sees Elmo he says Lennon because Biance always screams Lennon when she sees him and is usually wearing something with Elmo on it so I think he is mildly confused about who Elmo is.  He is doing much better eating too.  He pretty much eats whatever I serve him now.  He definitely has his preferences, but it's soo much easier lately.  He is doing great at the gym childcare.  The first few days he cried almost non stop and would not let Donna, the childcare lady, put him down.  Now when I come in to get him he is playing happily with a toy or another kid.  It's great timing cause I'm hoping that he is equally as confidant in Nashville with the rest of the Francis family.  He has been so much cooler about going to my friends when I need to do something or if someone just wants to hold him.  The future is looking much brighter!  I think we have a happy boy now!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Make Them Stop!

Ever since Mia was about 2 she has had these off and on nightmares.  There are times when she doesn't have one for what seems like a long time and then there are times when she cries out in the night every other night or so.  About a week ago I was out in the kitchen making lunches and she suddenly screamed out.  She was screaming so loud that I was sure our downstairs neighbor could hear her.  Screaming like in a scary movie.  I ran back to her room and tried to comfort her and see what the dream was about, but typical of these episodes, she had no idea what I was talking about.  "Mia, honey, what's the matter?  Are you okay?" 
"Mia, are you scared?"
"No."  trying to lay back down and obviously not really awake even though she is no longer crying or upset.
"Mia, what's going on?  Are you sad?  Did you have a bad dream?"
This is pretty typical.  She always says she's not scared, sad or otherwise upset and that she did not have a bad dream even though any time I've gone in it's been because she is crying, screaming or both.  Tonight she said she was looking into a mirror and she saw a pit.  She couldn't tell me what a pit was and when I pressed the question she woke up and didn't remember what she had been saying.  I just hate this.  I know kids have bad dreams, but I hate the idea of anyone making my sweet little honey sad/scared/upset ever.  Especially in a dream where I can do NOTHING obviously.  I know it's just a dream, but you would have to hear these screams.  The last time I got her to tell me anything about one of her dreams right after I went in to her she said that some kids were not being nice to her.  I don't know what to do or if there even is anything to do.  I just prayed over her and laid with her until she was back to sleep.  I love her so much.  I can't stand for her to have bad dreams.