Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Divine Respite

Last week was so horrible I was considering committing myself to an institute.  Lennon was miserable constantly.  He was also getting four teeth all at once and he seems to have inherited my lack of pain tolerance, so that could definitely been a factor.  Regardless of the reason, it was a very very tough week for both of us.  Yesterday wasn't quite so bad, but the last two or three hours of the day were pretty miserable.  Imagine me trying to make a delicious, healthy dinner for my family that I love while a fanatical screaming 18 month old pulls at my legs wailing "mamaaaa, mamaaaaaa."  It tends to take the fun out of preparing a meal.  Fast forward to today.  Despite having been awoken at 5 30 by Mia's stupid school to tell us something we already knew (that today was a half day, they had also called to tell us last night and they actually called at 5 20 and 5 30 and I never was able to fall back to sleep) the morning started off pretty well.  Lennon woke just before 6 and as I went in to nurse him I strangely didn't feel tired as I usually do.  He got up in a great mood which is pretty unusual.  He came out into the living room and started playing with toys and smiling and just being super sweet.  He was great all through breakfast and getting ready and getting out the door to drop Mia at school and Shelby at the train.  However, upon arrival at Mia's school we noticed something was amiss.  Aside from us there was only a car or two in front of the school in contrast to the typical zoo of hurried parents rushing their kids out of the car in the freezing weather.  I then rechecked my phone and found yet another message from the school letting us know school had been cancelled due to the snow storm.  I guess that call came when I was in Lennon's room this morning.  So we dropped Shelby off and headed over to The Brill home.  We had such a lovely morning.  Hot tea, warm banana bread, good conversation.  Mia, Naomi and Jonny put on a little show complete with costumes and scene changes.  Lennon toddled about playing with dolls and vacuums and pots, consumed an inordinant amount of currants, some crackers with rosemary and a little bit of apple juice which he then poured the rest of onto the floor.  All this while staying in a positively wonderful mood.  He was like a normal child.  Wandering from room to room discovering new things to play with.  Checking out the hampster and the fish.  He had a really good time and didn't have a single meltdown.  Not even close.  It was so awesome.  A much needed break from the hystrionicity ( I realize that is not really a word) of the past several days.  I see little strides of progress in his mood every so often and it's a real comfort.  He is such a sweet and funny boy when he isn't miserable.  He's now napping and Mia stayed at The Brills for a little longer so I am going to nap while he naps.  Oh Joy!


Hillary Adams said...

Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know last week was so bad! It's wonderful that he had such an awesome day today though. I've never been around him when he was having a rough time but cutting 4 teeth sure could do it for me!
I love you guys and can't wait to hug sweet Lentron soon!

Hillary Adams said...
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Super Mateus and the Incredible Miss Boo said...

Wittle Wennon. See, he was just cutten' a few teeth. He's a totally awesome little dude, in no way in need of behavioral therapy. Like the writing style in this post by the way. You really limited your use of the word "stuff". Way to go Jenna!