Monday, January 12, 2009

Mommy's Language Has to Change

Okay, so it's not as bad as it sounds really.  I do, unfortunately say 'retarded' quite often.  It's a bad habit, I'll admit.  I had never heard Mia say it until last night.  She exclaimed that whoever made the whatsamathingy she was using must be retarded.  I gently let her know that you just shouldn't use that word.  I went on to explain what the word meant.  I told her that some people's brains to develop the same as others and they never have full capacity to function.  She seemed cool with that and I thought it went really well.

Fast forward to this afternoon.  Here's a little snipit from our conversation.

Mia  "Mom, sometimes 'Mary' (I'll change the name of the kid to protect the poor girl) understands what Mrs. Timmons says and sometimes she seems like she doesn't have any idea what Mrs. Timmons is saying.  (long pause)  I think she might be retarded."

Me "Mia, remember I asked you not to use that word."

Mia "I'm not being rude, I think she might have actually not had her brain develop right."

Me  "Okay, well let's just not use that word at all okay?"

Oh my.  So, as you can see, I need to start watching my mouth.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing! Here I am in my apartment reading this and well good thing I didn't just read that at work! I laughed way too hard. Gosh that girl totally gets it all doesn't she! haha.