Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's a blustery, snowy day here in Malden, MA.  Lennon has a nasty respiratory virus and we're going to have to give him breathing treatments every 4 hours.  He feels horrible, but is being super snuggly.  We're pretty much stuck in the house because the snow is coming down so hard and Lennon is sick so I don't want to get him out in it.  We're managing with lots of tv and snacks.  Homemade popsicles, cheese bunnies, and did I mention lots of cuddles.  Snowy days are perfect for lots of extra cuddles.

Mia and Lennon curled up and snuggling in front of their new Charlie Brown Valentine's movie from Granmommy.  Mia is taking very good care of her poor sick little brother.  

At long last ---(well, just a day late)  Mia's new do!
We think she looks at least a year younger.  She said it was a big hit at school and everyone said they like her better with bangs, which she said made her happy with her decision.  


Hillary Adams said...

Soooo adorable!!! She does look much more like a little girl:) I must say I love the new do! I just wish I was there to hug her!

Child of the 50s said...

Mia - I have bangs, too, and I hope they make me look at least one year younger!:) I love you!! And I love you, Lennon!