Oh, those lyrics are "start me up" not "stop me up" huh? Well, if the Rolling Stones had dealt with the massive horrible diarrhea that Lennon has had for the last two weeks they might have sung a different tune. The poor guy has been vomiting sporadically for the last two weeks with constant diarrhea and in the last couple of days his vomiting has increased tremendously. Every time I think he is finally getting better, he takes a turn for the worse. I even took him in Friday afternoon for his 18 month check up and he seemed to be getting better so I didn't really make a big deal out of it. Then the next morning he threw up and was up all night the following night throwing up every half hour or so. Sunday he seemed to be doing a little better, but then he thre up several more times today. I've been trying to keep him on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) and the pediatrician yesterday said to definitely steer clear of meats and dairy, but tonight at dinner he was finally showing signs of regaining his appetite and we were eating roasted chicken and he was begging for it so we gave him a little bit. Hopefully we won't regret that decision in a few hours.
At his check up everything was good. He weighed 27 lbs and 7 oz and I can't remember how long he was. Maybe 31? I'll have to ask them the next time I'm in. I had so many other things on my mind at his appointment that I forgot to write down his stats.
Both kids are in bed now and I'm about to watch House and Heroes and finish folding the mountain of laundry that has piled up due to the vast number of outfits that have been puked on in the last couple of days. I think I changed clothes six times saturday night. Anyway, signing off for now.
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