Here is a picture from last Valentine's Day along with some current photos to show how much our little babies have grown in the last year. Enjoy...and try not to cry...and come and visit us soon!!!
Lennon and Mia last Valentine's Day
Mia with her new "best friend in the world" Sophia who we met at the library and now see pretty regularly on Friday afternoons at the Malden Public Library. Here they are enjoying some pizza inside the ticket booth at Malden High School. Sophia's dad is the head of a non profit organization called Healthy Malden Inc. This night they were putting on an event called Rock Againts Violence Event or RAVE for the high school kids. Sophia has a little brother who is Lennon's age.
Friday night Mia and I got to go see Disney On Ice down in Boston, and it was right across from Shelby's office, so we got to park for free! I got super discounted tickets from a friend from church so it wasn't that bad at all. We did end up buying a $10 snow cone though. Ohhhh Disney. Thanks for charging us more for a cup of ice than for tickets to see your show. We basically considered it Mia's Valentine's present, but I thoroughly enjoyed it too. The show was called Worlds of Fantasy and included Cars, Little Mermaid, Lion King and Tinkerbell. For the Cars section there were actual cars driving around on the ice. It was pretty cool. The whole show was great and it made Mia want to take ice skating lessons again. Saturday morning we all got up together and had eggs, sausage and freshly baked chocolate croissants. Yummy! Well, Lennon didn't get the chocolate part, but we did share some of the croissant with him. Mia and Shelby got The Princess Bride on DVD for me as well as a really nice smelling three layer candle and Mia picked out some chocolates and a cool, green plant for Shelby's desk. She said she just thought he needed a plant at his office.
Best thing Mia said about Disney on Ice: "I don't understand how those cars were driving around on the ice because the only thing heavier than a car is a house. Oh, and the Earth too." Later that day she also decided that trees might also be heavier than a car as long as it wasn't a baby tree.
Lennon is sick again. He just can't seem to keep his poor little lungs clear. We have a doc's appointment on friday for his regular check up and I'm going to talk to him to make sure it doesn't concern him at all that Lennon seems to get respiratory stuff so often. It seems like he's been sick about every other week or so since October. Maybe it's just part of living in a cold climate and he's a baby or something. I don't know. I am angry again at that stupid Cambridge Birthing Center that I was going to at the beginning of my pregnancy when they tested me against my will to see if I was a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis and then told me that "yes" I was a carrier when I never wanted to know that in the first place. I know they already tested him and it would be much worse and more obvious if he had that, but still because of that every time he gets a cough I sort of panic in the back of my mind. Nice work Cambridge Birthing Center.
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