Thursday, February 12, 2009

Party Without a Cause

Tuesday afternoon when I picked Mia up from school, I decided that we were going to have a party.  With the news of Shelby's potential lay off and certain decrease in pay I was feeling less than cheery, but wanted to compensate by making the evening extra special for the kids.  I let Mia choose our menu - Amy's Organic Pizza's, fruit kebabs, green beans and ice cream.  As soon as we got home we started blaring music.  The music of choice - Barbie Diamond Castle Princess.  Mia and Lennon both love gettin' down and grooving to those tunes.  We danced around the kitchen and living room while the pizza's cooked and we assembled the kebabs while we caught our breath.  Lennon was in his high chair for most of this time, but was thoroughly enjoying laughing at both of the silly girly dancers.  After devouring our dinner we played a never ending game of chase- tag- sock tag- leggy tag, new rules every five seconds tag.  If you have never played a game of tag with Mia be forewarned.  She changes up base on you constantly depending on what she is nearest to when she needs a refuge.  All three of us had so much fun and didn't stop laughing and running and dancing for hours.  Shelby finally arrived home and we had determined that when he got home we would turn on the movie we checked out from the library, The Polar Express.  Lennon was completely exhausted, but seemed slightly interested in the movie, probably just because of the "choo choo."  After Lennon went to bed we pulled out the ice cream for the rest of us.  Shelby, Mia and I cuddled in front of the tv and watched some more of the movie. 

The whole idea really worked wonders.  I had almost forgotten our impending doom.  And then Shelby told me that his pay would not be reduced nearly at all and we are hopeful that he will keep his job for the time anyway.  Just putting the whole idea out of my head and focusing on playing with the kids and having a blast was a great idea.  I'm so glad we had our party.  No matter what happens we will always be able to let go and just enjoy being a family.



Hillary Adams said...

You are such a good mommy! I'm glad you guys got to have a party and for the great news about Shel's job:)

Child of the 50s said...

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth the bones

Even the Word of God supports what you were doing! When we show joy through our trials, it is good medicine. We also grow and mature through it! How awesome that you are teaching these truths to your children, Jenna!